Nordhoff Union High School
Class Of 1967

50th Reunion - What Happened
Our fun 50th reunion Friday October 20, 2017 through Sunday October 22, 2017 is over but this page describes the events we had. See the 50th Reunion Photos page for photos taken by classmates and the 50th Memory Book Order page for information on ordering a copy by October 30, 2017 of the book with photos taken by Ken Sciallo.
On Friday October 20th we had Fun Golf (No Prizes, No Tournament) at Soule Park Golf Course. Seven classmates played along with several guests.
Friday afternoon’s Icebreaker at Soule Park’s Bar & Grill included 47 classmates along with guests. Reunion badges with meal tickets and placeholders were distributed. Many people ate dinner and the last left around 9 pm.
Ojai Avenue was closed Friday night from Ventura Street to Fox Street for mandala painting in the intersection at Ojai Avenue and Signal Street and for Ojai Day/Ojai Night on Ojai Avenue and in Libbey Park. On Saturday many of us walked around downtown for Ojai Day looking at the booths, listening to music, meeting up with classmates, and having lunch.
Saturday night was the Reunion Reception and Dinner in the Soule Park banquet room that the staff decorated in blue and gold for us. There were 51 classmates plus guests. Portraits and candid photos were taken by photographer Ken Sciallo. Memorabilia was viewed and yearbooks were signed. Craig Brown gave away copies of a book of his father Stan Brown’s poems ”Concerto of my mind”.
After dinner Milton Kelley played a couple of songs and also accompanied Peny Nix Walllace who played Carol Peterson’s violin. Photographer Ken Sciallo took a group photo of those who were still there.
On Sunday October 22nd some of us went to the Ojai Certified Farmers Market behind the Arcade.
Our class was invited by Nancy Norcross Herron from the class of 1970 to The Other Ojai BBQ in Soule County Park that included many Nordhoffians from the 1960s and 1970s and other Ojai residents, past and current. Milton Kelley and his band played and 20 more of our classmates were there.
Photographer Stephen Adams shared these links to his photos.
The Other Ojai BBQ Photos from 2017
The Other Ojai BBQ Photos from 2016
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