Scott Patton Maggard of Rancho Cucamonga passed away after a long battle with COPD on Saturday March 21, 2015.
Scott was born in Quincy, IL on March 3, 1949 to Claire Lorene Lyons Maggard and Woodrow Wilson Maggard, Sr. Scott grew up in Ojai, California with his older brother Woodrow Wilson Maggard, Jr and younger sister Marsha Lee Maggard Gibson. He was an Airforce Veteran who served in Guam during the Vietnam war. He was a salesman with Acme Electric Supply for close to 30 years and ran his own business, SPM Products. Scott was a gifted artist and mechanic. He loved classic cars and founded the OldSkool 66 Cruzers car club for others who enjoyed the classic car hobby to attend car shows together and present car shows with proceeds benefiting the local community. Scott was also an active member of Boy Scout Troop 699, and served as Treasurer for several years. Scott was a beloved member of his family and community, and was known for his integrity, compassion for others and sense of humor.
Scott is survived by his wife Caroline Maggard, sons Wyatt Maggard and Cole Maggard, sister and brother-in-law Marsha and Dale Gibson, brother and sister-in-law Woody and Linda Maggard, step-sister Kim Gallagher, step-brother and sister-in-law Chris and Marybeth Condon, and mother-in-law Carolyn Maggard.
Viewing will be held on Thursday 3/26/15 from 5-9pm, and the funeral service will be held on Saturday 3/28/15 at 11am at Richardson-Peterson Funeral Home, 123 West G Street, Ontario CA. Burial, including military presentation, will be at Ivy Lawn Memorial Park at 5400 Valentine Road, Ventura CA at 1pm on Monday 3/30/15.
Rod Thompson
Scott was a really nice person, gentle spirited- especially later in life. I enjoyed visiting with him over the years and will miss his good-natured presence. He stated, last October, that he didn't know if he would be around for the next one but seemed at peace, enjoying each day he had.
John N. Higby III
Summer 1967-Graduation Song "To Dream the Impossible Dream". Scott helped Nordhoffs Cross Country team to victory,Football, Basketball champions one and all. A summer quest then, we four unlikley companions Scott Maggard, Gary Fausett aka(Leo), Tony Sarazoti and myself with a Quest "to run where the brave dare not go" ROAD TRIP-Montreal Canada 1967 World Fair.
What could go wrong "Madman" Maggard-Mechanic extraordinaire, Leo-Road Philosopher and deep thinker, Tony-Celebrity(had an entire city park named after him) and myself class character. Our faithful steed, Tony's White 180 H.P. 1964 Ford Flacon station wagon. The war chest, $800 and a gas credit card with 2400 miles to forge, west coast to east coast and back.
Scott bailed us out more than once with his whit, mechanical skill and wonderfully twisted sense of humor. To our delight, along the way(perhaps Nebraska) we discovered one could legally buy fire works which included Cherry Bombs, M80's(bigger than cherry bombs), rockets and the like.Perhaps it was in North Dakota, we noticed our arsenal had been magically depleted to one remaining M80. Scott wanted to blow something up, you know an experiment of sorts. Mail boxes were out since we notice most every ones vehicle had a gun rack in the window with a serious rifle attached.
After a careful discussion and debate by our intriepid force, led apply by Scott we settled on a sacrificial family size can of Spegetti-Os. That evening at the camp site (after a few beers)planning session, it was determined that Scott would light the fuse, Tony would quickly set the can on top of it and we would all shelter on the other side of the car and watch through the windows. The explosion was huge, destruction complete-the can was lofted at least 50 feet into the air but not before its contents had been compressed and atomized to the point of bursting sending hundreds of super sonic, with sauce, spegetti-Os raceing into and onto everything in the camp site including Tony's white station wagon, tent etc.. The mist was still settling as we rounded the back of the vehicle to be hold what could have been only described as a 5th period "Art Deco" project gone terribly wrong.
The event struck us all as one of the funniest most creative things we had ever done---ever. We laughed and laughed and laughed some more (beer may have played a role in it------nah). The next day we had to drive many hours in our rolling "Deco Art" project to get to a town with a car wash. Scott thought this was really hillarious and spent many hour watching for the expressions on people faces as we passed. In our defence we were good on one side.
I remember driving thru Yellow Stone National park with all of us singing along with the "Doors" Riders in Sky.
I remember Scott fondly, memories only he could produce, Great Friend Good Man
Thomas Davis
We should tell those around us how much we love them before they drift away and we have to say how much we miss them.
Blessings to all of our classmates.
Clark L. Reams
It's tough to hear about another class mate passing on. I wish Gods blessing of peace and
comfort to his family during this sad time. Life seems so fragile.
I didn't know Scott that well, but had a connection through being part of the track team. I know
that he was a valuable cross-country team member.
May he Rest in Peace.
Pam Mageors (Townsend)
I always remember Scott as sweet and friendly, even though I didn't know him that well. Our pictures were always next to each other in the year books, so I felt like I knew him well. It seems as though a little piece of my heart goes when each one of us passes. The world is a better place because of Scott. Prayers to his family. May God hold you in the palm of His hand Scott.
Vickie Lawson (Mears)
I have many great memories of Scott. Remember in Jr.High when we won the contest through KRLA radio for Mr. Seymour? Bob Eubanks came to school to present the award. Scott took my yearbook and pushed his way through the crowd and got Bob Eubanks' autograph in my book. Scott and I used to ride our bikes everywhere. We tried to find the steepest hills to challenge our riding skills. Once, riding through the Arbalada, the handbrakes on my bike came off as we rode down one steep incline. I flew over the top of my bike and crashed. My bike was bent beyond riding it anymore (it didn't do me any good either). Scott was so merciful and caring. He walked me and my bent bike home. I enjoyed his friendship and will miss seeing him at reunions. I pray his family will find comfort through the many memories so many are posting and God's blessings as they move through their loss.
Michael Chambliss
I was thinking of Scott a week ago Sunday as I drove from Ojai to Palm Springs to visit my brother. I knew that Scott lived somewhere around Ontario as traveled down highway 10, and I was remembering our last conversation at the reunion when he said he probably wouldn't make it to the next reunion because of his COPD. I hoped he would, not knowing he had passed the day before. Now I'm grateful that I had a good visit with him at the last reunion, catching up on our lives, and remembering the good times we had together at Nordhoff. Particularly memorable was our track team decision to shave our heads, a weird counter statement to The Beatles who were becoming hugely popular at the time, or maybe we just wanted to be different. Whatever the reason, we and several others went through with this. The student body and teachers must have thought we were nuts. Scott, I was fortunate to have known you and been your friend. Rest in peace.
Susan Hillard
When I think of you, Scott, it is always with your beautiful smile and infectious laugh! I know you had children late in life (even later than I did) and I know they and their mom will miss you something fierce. I sure hope someone copies all of these comments for your family. It is sure to bring a measure of comfort to them now, and, in the future. You made the world a better place, Scott. May you rest with the angels.
David Wilkinson
Scott was always a pleasure to be around. Not only at Nordhoff, but in the Boy Scout Troop 504. Like the rest of you I enjoyed visiting with Scott at the re-unions and his occassional visit to see what was going on at my work. We will miss you Scott.
Carolyn Armstrong (Locke)
I remember Scott, though I haven't seen him since high school. My brothers shared time with him and his older brother Woody in Boy Scout Troop 504. I've enjoyed reading through the comments of those of you who had the gift of keeping in touch with him on beyond Nordhoff. With the news of each passing classmate comes the reminder to treasure the memories of life each day.